Viewing Workbook History and Republishing
Aside from opening workbooks, a user with Designer role can also perform the following:
q view the change history of workbooks
q republish an archived workbook to the recent version of Panopticon Visualization Server
q rename an archived workbook
1. On the Workbooks page, right-click on a workbook and select History on the context menu.
The History of Workbook <Name> dialog is displayed with the current version of the workbook indicated.
the archival list either through the Date Modified or Modified
By by clicking on
move to the other pages of the list by clicking on a page or clicking
the or
2. Click on an archived workbook in the list.
click .
A notification message displays.
3. Click .
A notification message displays.
4. Click .
The republished workbook version is added in the history list.
5. You may also opt to rename an archived workbook by entering a new one in the New Name box and follow steps 2 to 4 to republish it.