Set Command's Parameters (cmdSetXXX( ) )

There are general functions written for each panel command to set the command's parameters to their default values and put the valid values in the database according to the defined path.

Below is a table of available functions:
Function AcuSolve Command Name Active
cmdSetAutoSolutionStrategy AUTO_SOLUTION_STRATEGY no no
cmdSetGravity GRAVITY yes no
cmdSetMassSpeciesSource MASS_SPECIES_SOURCE yes no
cmdSetVolumeSpeciesSource VOLUME_SPECIES_SOURCE yes no
cmdSetMassHeatSource MASS_HEAT_SOURCE yes no
cmdSetVolumeHeatSource VOLUME_HEAT_SOURCE yes no
cmdSetBodyForce BODY_FORCE yes no
cmdSetCaaElementOutput CAA_ELEMENT_OUTPUT yes no
cmdSetCaaOutput CAA_OUTPUT yes no
cmdSetCaaSurfaceOutput CAA_SURFACE_OUTPUT yes no
cmdSetContactAngleModel CONTACT_ANGLE_MODEL yes no
cmdSetConvergenceCheckParameters CONVERGENCE_CHECK_PARAMETERS no no
cmdSetElementBoundaryCondition ELEMENT_BOUNDARY_CONDITION yes yes
cmdSetElementOutputs ELEMENT_OUTPUT yes yes
cmdSetElementSets ELEMENT_SET yes yes
cmdSetEmissivityModel EMISSIVITY_MODEL yes no
cmdSetExternalCodeParameters EXTERNAL_CODE no no
cmdSetExternalCodeSurface EXTERANL_CODE_SURFACE yes yes
cmdSetFanComponents FAN_COMPONENT yes yes
cmdSetFlexibleBody FLEXIBLE_BODY yes no
cmdSetFreeSurface FREE_SURFACE yes yes
cmdSetGlobalMeshAttributes GLOBAL_MESH_ATTRIBUTES no no
cmdSetGuideSurface GUIDE_SURFACE yes yes
cmdSetHeatExchangerComponent HEAT_EXCHANGER_COMPONENT yes yes
cmdSetIntegratedBoundaryCondition SURFACE_INTEGRATED_CONDITION yes yes
cmdSetInterfaceSurface INTERFACE_SURFACE yes yes
cmdSetLinearSolverParameters LINEAR_SOLVER_PARAMETERS no no
cmdSetDensityModel DENSITY_MODEL yes no
cmdSetSpecificHeatModel SPECIFIC_HEAT_MODEL yes no
cmdSetViscosityModel VISCOSITY_MODEL yes no
cmdSetConductivityModel CONDUCTIVITY_MODEL yes no
cmdSetDiffusivityModel DIFFUSIVITY_MODEL yes no
cmdSetPorosityModel POROSITY_MODEL yes no
cmdSetMaterialModel MATERIAL_MODEL yes no
cmdSetMeshMotion MESH_MOTION yes no
cmdSetMultiplierFunction MULTIPLIER_FUNCTION yes no
cmdSetNodalBoundaryCondition NODAL_BOUNDARY_CONDITION yes yes
cmdSetNodalInitialCondition NODAL_INITIAL_CONDITION no no
cmdSetNodalOutput NODAL_OUTPUT no no
cmdSetDerivedQuantityOutput DERIVED_QUANTITY_OUTPUT no no
cmdSetRunningAverageOutout RUNNING_AVERAGE_OUTPUT no no
cmdSetTimeAverageOutput TIME_AVERAGE_OUTPUT no no
cmdSetErrorEstimatorOutput ERROR_ESTIMATOR_OUTPUT no no
cmdSetRestartOutput RESTART_OUTPUT no no
cmdSetNodalResidualOutput NODAL_RESIDUAL_OUTPUT no no
cmdSetTimeHistoryOutput TIME_HISTORY_OUTPUT yes no
cmdSetParticleSurface PARTILE_SURFACE yes yes
cmdSetPeriodicBoundaryCondition PERIODIC_BOUNDARY_CONDITION yes yes
cmdSetProblemDescription ANALYSIS & EQUATION no no
cmdSetRadiationParameters RADIATION no no
cmdSetRadiationSurface RADIATION_SURFACE yes yes
cmdSetReferenceFrame REFERENCE_FRAME yes no
cmdSetSimpleBoundaryCondition SIMPLE_BOUNDARY_CONDITION yes yes
cmdSetSolarRadiationModel SOLAR_RADIATION_MODEL yes no
cmdSetSolarRadiationParameters SOLAR_RADIATION no no
cmdSetSolarRadiationSurface SOLAR_RADIATION_SURFACE yes yes
cmdSetStagger STAGGER yes no
cmdSetSurfaceMeshAttributes SURFACE_MESH_ATTRIBUTES yes yes
cmdSetSurfaceOutput SURFACE_OUTPUT yes yes
cdmSetSurfaceTensionModel SURFACE_TENSION_MODEL yes no
cmdSetTimeIncrement TIME_INCREMENT no no
cmdSetTimeIntegration TIME_INTEGRATION no no
cmdSetTimeSequence TIME_SEQUENCE no no
cmdSetTurbulenceWall TURBULENCE_WALL yes yes
cmdSetUserGlobalData USER_GLOBAL_DATA yes no
cmdSetVolumeMeshAttributes VOLUME_MESH_ATTRIBUTES yes yes
cmdSetZoneMeshAttributes --- yes yes

where the name and active columns refer to having these in the command arguments.

The following are all of the set functions of the commands with their arguments:
    def cmdSetAlgebraicMultigridParameters(
                                             clobber = True,
                                             pressure_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             pressure_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             pressure_negative_coupling_tolerance = 0.25,
                                             pressure_positive_coupling_tolerance = 0.5,
                                             pressure_truncation_tolerance = 0.2,
                                             max_pressure_final_matrix = 100,
                                             pressure_eigenvalue_tolerance = 1.e-6,
                                             max_pressure_eigenvalue_iterations = 100,
                                             pressure_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             pressure_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             num_pressure_global_basis = 0,
                                             pressure_global_basis_tolerance = 1.e-6,
                                             max_pressure_global_basis_iterations = 1000,
                                             num_pressure_initial_givens_rotations = 0,
                                             pressure_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             pressure_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             pressure_positive_negative_separate = False,
                                             pressure_givens_scaling = True,
                                             pressure_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             velocity_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             velocity_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             velocity_negative_coupling_toleranc e= 0.5,
                                             velocity_positive_coupling_tolerance = 1,
                                             velocity_truncation_tolerance = 0.1,
                                             max_velocity_final_matrix = 100,
                                             velocity_num_krylov_vectors = 30,
                                             velocity_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             velocity_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             velocity_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             velocity_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             velocity_positive_negative_separate = False,
                                             velocity_givens_scaling = False,
                                             velocity_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             flow_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             flow_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             flow_negative_coupling_tolerance = 0.5,
                                             flow_positive_coupling_tolerance = 1,
                                             flow_truncation_tolerance = 0.1,
                                             max_flow_final_matrix = 100,
                                             flow_num_krylov_vectors = 30,
                                             flow_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             flow_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             flow_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             flow_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             flow_positive_negative_separate = False,
                                             flow_givens_scaling = False,
                                             flow_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             temperature_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             temperature_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             temperature_negative_coupling_tolerance = 0.5,
                                             temperature_positive_coupling_tolerance = 1,
                                             temperature_truncation_tolerance = 0.1,
                                             max_temperature_final_matrix = 100,
                                             temperature_num_krylov_vectors = 30,
                                             temperature_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             temperature_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             temperature_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             temperature_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             temperature_positive_negative_separate = False,
                                             temperature_givens_scaling = False,
                                             temperature_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             species_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             species_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             species_negative_coupling_tolerance = 0.5,
                                             species_positive_coupling_tolerance = 1,
                                             species_truncation_tolerance = 0.1,
                                             max_species_final_matrix = 100,
                                             species_num_krylov_vectors = 30,
                                             species_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             species_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             species_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             species_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             species_positive_negative_separate = False,
                                             species_givens_scaling = False,
                                             species_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             turbulence_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             turbulence_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             turbulence_negative_coupling_tolerance = 0.5,
                                             turbulence_positive_coupling_tolerance = 1,
                                             turbulence_truncation_tolerance = 0.1,
                                             max_turbulence_final_matrix = 100,
                                             turbulence_num_krylov_vectors = 30,
                                             turbulence_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             turbulence_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             turbulence_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             turbulence_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             turbulence_positive_negative_separate = False,
                                             turbulence_givens_scaling = False,
                                             turbulence_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             mesh_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             mesh_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             mesh_negative_coupling_tolerance = 0.6,
                                             mesh_positive_coupling_tolerance = 1,
                                             mesh_truncation_tolerance = 0.1,
                                             max_mesh_final_matrix = 100,
                                             mesh_eigenvalue_tolerance = 1.e-2,
                                             max_mesh_eigenvalue_iterations = 20,
                                             mesh_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             mesh_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             num_mesh_global_basis = 0,
                                             #------ Misc. 12/09:C3 12/07/09 SH
                                             mesh_global_basis_tolerance = 1.e-6,
                                             max_mesh_global_basis_iteration s= 1000,
                                             num_mesh_initial_givens_rotations = 0,
                                             mesh_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             mesh_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             mesh_positive_negative_separate  = True,
                                             mesh_givens_scaling = False,
                                             mesh_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             viscoelastic_standard_interpolation = True,
                                             viscoelastic_truncated_interpolation = True,
                                             viscoelastic_negative_coupling_tolerance = 0.5,
                                             viscoelastic_positive_coupling_tolerance = 1,
                                             viscoelastic_truncation_tolerance = 0.1,
                                             max_viscoelastic_final_matrix = 100,
                                             viscoelastic_num_krylov_vectors = 30,
                                             viscoelastic_smoothing_order = 2,
                                             viscoelastic_chebyshev_max_min_ratio = 10,
                                             viscoelastic_jacobi_relaxation_factor = 0.25,
                                             viscoelastic_relaxation_type = 'chebyshev',
                                             viscoelastic_positive_negative_separate = False,
                                             viscoelastic_givens_scaling = False,
                                             viscoelastic_setup_tolerance = 0,
                                             protect_parameters = False ):
    def cmdSetAutoSolutionStrategy( clobber = True,
                                     max_time_steps = 100,
                                     final_time = 0,
                                     initial_time_increment = 1.e+10,
                                     auto_time_increment = False,
                                     min_time_increment = 0,
                                     max_time_increment = 0,
                                     convergence_tolerance = 1.e-3,
                                     min_stagger_iterations = 0,
                                     max_stagger_iterations = 0,
                                     num_krylov_vectors = 10,
                                     relaxation_factor = 0,
                                     flow = True,
                                     viscoelastic = True,
                                     temperature = True,
                                     temperature_flow = False,
                                     radiation = True,
                                     species_1 = True,
                                     species_2 = True,
                                     species_3 = True,
                                     species_4 = True,
                                     species_5 = True,
                                     species_6 = True,
                                     species_7 = True,
                                     species_8 = True,
                                     species_9 = True,
                                     turbulence = True,
                                     mesh= Trues,
                                     external_code = True):
    def cmdSetGravity( name, clobber = True,
                       type = 'constant',
                       gravity = ((0,0,0),),
                       curve_fit_values = ((0,0,0,0),),
                       curve_fit_variable = 'x_coordinate',
                       user_function = '',
                       user_values = (),
                       user_strings = [],
                       multiplier_function = 'none' ):
    • type can be "none", "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity","species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    def cmdSetMassSpeciesSource( name, srcId = None,
                                           clobber = True,
                                           type = 'constant',
                                           mass_species_source = 0,
                                           curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                           curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                           user_function = '',
                                           user_values = (),
                                           user_strings = (),
                                           multiplier_function = 'none' ):
    • type can be "none", "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate","x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    def cmdSetVolumeSpeciesSource( name, srcId = None,
                                             clobber = True,
                                             type = 'constant',
                                             volume_species_source = 0,
                                             curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                             curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                             user_function = '',
                                             user_values = (),
                                             user_strings = (),
                                             multiplier_function = 'none' ):
    • type can be "none", "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    def cmdSetMassHeatSource( name,
                                        clobber = True,
                                        type = 'constant',
                                        mass_heat_source = 0,
                                        curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                        curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                        user_function = '',
                                        user_values = (),
                                        user_strings = (),
                                        multiplier_function = 'none' ):
    • type can be "none", "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    def cmdSetVolumeHeatSource( name,
                                         clobber = True,
                                         type = 'constant',
                                         volume_heat_source = 0,
                                         curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                         curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                         user_function = '',
                                         user_values = (),
                                         user_strings = (),
                                         multiplier_function = 'none' ):
    • type can be "none", "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    def cmdSetBodyForce( name,
                                  clobber = True,
                                  medium = 'fluid',
                                  type = 'constant',
                                  gravity = ((0, 0, 0),),
                                  style = 'per_unit_mass',
                                  datatree = True ):
    def cmdSetCaaElementOutput( name,
                                         clobber = True,
                                         caa_output = '',
                                         quadrature = 'full',
                                         datatree = True ):

    quadrature can be "full", "reduced"

    def cmdSetCaaOutput( name,
                         clobber = True,
                         directions = (),
                         gap = 0,
                         output_coordinates = False,
                         output_velocity = False,
                         output_pressure = False,
                         output_momentum_stress = False,
                         output_total_stress = False,
                         output_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_reduced_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_div_momentum_stress = False,
                         output_div_total_stress = False,
                         output_div_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_div_reduced_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_normal_momentum_flux = False,
                         output_normal_momentum_flux_rate = False,
                         output_normal_div_total_stress = False,
                         output_fwh_monopole = False,
                         output_fwh_dipole = False,
                         output_ei_na = False,
                         output_ei_na_velocity = False,
                         output_ei_na_pressure = False,
                         output_ei_na_momentum_stress = False,
                         output_ei_na_total_stress = False,
                         output_ei_na_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_ei_na_reduced_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_ei_na_div_momentum_stress = False,
                         output_ei_na_div_total_stress = False,
                         output_ei_na_div_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_ei_gna_div_momentum_stress = False,
                         output_ei_gna_div_total_stress = False,
                         output_ei_gna_div_lighthill_stress = False,
                         output_si_na = False,
                         output_si_na_normal = False,
                         output_si_na_normal_pressure = False,
                         output_si_na_normal_momentum_flux = False,
                         output_si_na_normal_momentum_flux_rate = False,
                         output_si_na_normal_div_total_stress = False,
                         output_si_na_fwh_monopole = False,
                         output_si_na_fwh_dipole = False,
                         output_si_na_pressure = False,
                         reference_density = 1.225,
                         reference_pressure = 0,
                         reference_sound_speed = 330,
                         output_frequency = 1000,
                         output_time_interval = 0,
                         num_saved_states = 0,
                         datatree = True ):
    def cmdSetCaaSurfaceOutput( name,
                                         clobber = True,
                                         caa_output = '',
                                         quadrature = 'full',
                                         datatree = True ):

    quadrature can be "full", "reduced"

    def cmdSetContactAngleModel( name,
                                         clobber = True,
                                         type = 'free',
                                         contact_angle = 90,
                                         multiplier_function=  'none',
                                         datatree = True ):
    • type can be "constant", "free"
    def cmdSetConvergenceCheckParameters( clobber = True,
                                      pressure_residual_check = 'standard',
                                      pressure_solution_increment_check = 'looser_by_10',
                                      velocity_residual_check = 'standard',
                                      velocity_solution_increment_check = 'looser_by_10',
                                      viscoelastic_stress_residual_check  = 'looser_by_10',
                                      viscoelastic_stress_solution_increment_check   = 'looser_by_10',
                                      temperature_residual_check = 'standard',
                                      temperature_solution_increment_check= 'looser_by_10',
                                      radiation_residual_check = 'none',
                                      radiation_solution_increment_check = 'looser_by_10',
                                      species_residual_check = 'standard',
                                      species_solution_increment_check = 'looser_by_10',
                                      turbulence_residual_check = 'looser_by_10',
                                      turbulence_solution_increment_check = 'looser_by_100',
                                      mesh_displacement_residual_check = 'none',
                                      mesh_displacement_solution_increment_check = 'looser_by_100' ),
                                      protect_parameters = False ):
    • pressure_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • pressure_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • velocity_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • velocity_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • viscoelastic_stress_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • viscoelastic_stress_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • temperature_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • temperature_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • radiation_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • radiation_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • species_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • species_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • turbulence_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • turbulence_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • mesh_displacement_residual_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
    • mesh_displacement_solution_increment_check can be "none", "standard", "looser_by_10", "looser_by_100", "looser_by_1000", "tighter_by_10", "tighter_by_100", "tighter_by_1000"
def cmdSetEdgeMeshAttributes(   name,
                                   clobber = True,
                                   active = False,
                                   MeshSizeType = 'none',
                                   AbsMeshSize = 1.0,
                                   RelMeshSize = 0.125,
                                   AbsMeshSizeExp = "value=1.0",
                                   RelMeshSizeExp = "value=0.125",
                                   AbsAnisoMeshSizeFactor = 1.0,
                                   RelAnisoMeshSizeFactor = 1.0,
                                   AbsAnisoMeshSize = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)),
                                   RelAnisoMeshSize = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)),
                                   CurvatureRefinementFlag = False,
                                   CurvatureAngle = 25,
                                   CurvatureMeshSizeFactor = 0.5,
                                   BoundaryLayerFlag = False,
                                   BoundaryLayerSpec = 'type_1',
                                   FirstLayerHeight = 0.001,
                                   HeightOfLayers = 0.004,
                                   GrowthRate = 1.3,
                                   NumberOfLayers = 3,
                                   ResolveBLAttrib = '3',
                                   BoundaryLayerBlendsFlag = False,
                                   BoundaryLayerPropagateFlag = False,
                                   BoundaryLayerElemType = 'ACUMESH_BL_TRIANGLE',
                                   SweepAngle = 45,
                                   SmallFeatureMeshingFlag = False,
                                   SmallFeatureMeshingType = 'RELATIVE_TOLERANCE',
                                   SmallFeatureMeshingTolerance = 0.0125,
                                   head = 'Model' ):
  • MeshSizeType can be "none","absolute_value", "relative_value", "absolute_expression","relative_expression", "absolute_aniso_value", "relative_aniso_value"
  • BoundaryLayerSpec can be "type_1", "type_2"
  • BoundaryLayerElemType can be "ACUMESH_BL_MIXED", "ACUMESH_BL_TRIANGLE"
  • ResolveBLAttrib can be "1", "2", "3", "4"
    def cmdSetElementBoundaryCondition( name,
                         clobber = True,
                         active = False,
                         panel_type = None,
                         panel_ref = None,
                         variable = '',
                         type = 'zero',
                         constant_value = 0,
                         constant_values = ((0,0,0),),
                         surface_values = (),
                         curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                         curve_fit_variable = 'x_coordinate',
                         curve_fitt_values = ((0,0,0,0),),
                         curve_fitt_variable = 'x_coordinate',
                         user_function = '',
                         user_values = (),
                         user_strings = (),
                         multiplier_function = 'none',
                         reference_temperature = 273.14,
                         reference_temperature_multiplier_function = 'none',
                         reference_species = 0,
                         reference_species_multiplier_function = 'none',
                         non_reflecting_factor = 0,
                         pressure_loss_factor = 0,
                         pressure_loss_factor_multiplier_function = 'none',
                         hydrostatic_pressure = False,
                         hydrostatic_pressure_origin = ((0,0,0),),
                         active_type = 'all' ),
                         head = 'Model' ):
    • variable can be "mass_flux", "pressure", "stagnation_pressure", "tangential_traction", "heat_flux", "convective_heat_flux", "radiation_heat_flux", "species_1_flux", "convective_species_1_flux", "species_2_flux", "convective_species_2_flux", "species_3_flux", "convective_species_3_flux", "species_4_flux", "convective_species_4_flux", "species_5_flux", "convective_species_5_flux", "species_6_flux", "convective_species_6_flux", "species_7_flux", "convective_species_7_flux", "species_8_flux", "convective_species_8_flux", "species_9_flux", "convective_species_9_flux", "turbulence_flux"
    • type can be "zero", "constant", "free", "outflow", "inflow", "per_surface", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "normal_velocity pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    • curve_fitt_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "normal_velocity pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    • active_type can be "none", "all", "no_interface"
    def cmdSetElementOutputs( name, clobber = True,
                                        active = False,
                                        integrated_output_frequency = 1,
                                        num_user_output = 0,
                                        user_function = '',
                                        user_values = (),
                                        user_strings = (),
                                        head = 'Model' ):
    def cmdSetElementSets( name, clobber = True,
                                     active = True,
                                     medium = 'fluid',
                                     quadrature = 'full',
                                     material_model = 'Air',
                                     body_force = 'none',
                                     reference_frame = 'none',
                                     mesh_motion = 'none',
                                     num_shell_layers = 1,
                                     shell_material_models = ('Aluminum'),
                                     shell_thickness_type = 'constant',
                                     shell_thicknesses = (1.0),
                                     viscous_heating = False,
                                     compression_heating = False,
                                     residual_control = True,
                                     oscillation_control = True,
                                     mesh_motion_precedence = 1,
                                     mesh_distortion_correction_factor = 0.0,
                                     mesh_distortion_tolerance = 0.0,
                                     auxiliary_elements = (),
                                     auxiliary_material_model = '',
                                     auxiliary_reference_frame = 'none',
                                     head = 'Model',
                                     element_volume_heat_sources = () ):
    • medium can be "none", "fluid", "solid", "shell"
    • quadrature can be "full", "reduced", "nodal", "high_1", "high_2"
    • shell_thickness_type can be "constant"
    def cmdSetEmissivityModel( name, clobber = True,
                                         type = 'constant',
                                         emissivity = 1,
                                         curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                         curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                         user_function = '',
                                         user_values = (),
                                         user_strings = (),
                                         multiplier_function ='none',
                                         datatree = True ):
    • type can be "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "temperature"
    def cmdSetExternalCodeParameters( clobber = True,
                                                communication = 'socket',
                                                launch_command = '',
                                                socket_initiate = True,
                                                socket_host = '',
                                                socket_port = 10000,
                                                fifo_send_file = '',
                                                fifo_receive_file = '',
                                                multiplier_function = 'none',
                                                filter = 'none',
                                                iir_input_coefficients = ((1),),
                                                iir_output_coefficients = () ): 
    • communication can be "pipe", "socket", "fifo"
    • filter can be "none", "iir"
    def cmdSetExternalCodeSurface( name, clobber = True,
                                             active = False,
                                             precedence = 1,
                                             coupling_type = 'structural',
                                             rigid_body_name = '',
                                             coupling_direction = 'both',
                                             velocity_type = 'wall',
                                             temperature_type = 'tied',
                                             mesh_displacement_type = 'tied',
                                             turbulence_wall_type = 'wall_function',
                                             roughness_height = 0 ,
                                             external_code_tags = ()
                                             gap_factor = 1,
                                             gap = 0,
                                             head = 'Model' ):
  • velocity_type can be "wall", "slip"
  • temperature_type can be "none", "tied"
  • mesh_displacement_type can be "tied", "slip"
  • turbulence_wall_type can be "none", "low_reynolds_number", "wall_function", "running_average_wall_function"
  • coupling_type can be "structural", "line", "surface", "rigid_body"
  • coupling_direction can be "both", "to_external_code", "from_external_code"
    def cmdSetFanComponent( name, clobber = True,
                  active = False,
                  type = 'axial',
                  center = ((0,0,0),),
                  direction = ((1,0,0),),
                  angular_speed = 1,
                  angular_speed_multiplier_function ='none',
                  tip_radius = 1,
                  thickness = 1,
                  fluid_density = 1,
                  inlet_area = 1,
                  tip_velocity = 1,
                  pressure_flowrate_curve_fit = ((0,0),(1,1),),
                  axial_coefficient_type = 'constant',
                  axial_coefficient = 1,
                  axial_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(0,1),),
                  axial_curve_fit_row_variable = 'normalized_radius',
                  axial_curve_fit_column_variable = 'normalized_flow_rate',
                  axial_user_function = '',
                  axial_user_values = (),
                  axial_user_strings = (),
                  axial_multiplier_function = 'none',
                  radial_coefficient_type = 'constant',
                  radial_coefficient = 1,
                  radial_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(0,1),),
                  radial_curve_fit_row_variable = 'normalized_radius',
                  radial_curve_fit_column_variable = 'normalized_flow_rate',
                  radial_user_function = '',
                  radial_user_values = (),
                  radial_user_strings = (),
                  radial_multiplier_function = '',
                  tangential_coefficient_type = 'constant',
                  tangential_coefficient = 1,
                  tangential_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(0,1),),
                  tangential_curve_fit_row_variable = 'normalized_radius',
                  tangential_curve_fit_column_variable= 'normalized_flow_rate',
                  tangential_user_function = '',
                  tangential_user_values = (),
                  tangential_user_strings = (),
                  tangential_multiplier_function = 'none' ,
                  head = 'Model' ,
                  model = modelSrf ):
    • type can be "axial", "radial"
    • axial_coefficient_type can be "constant", "piecewise_bilinear", "p-q_curve_fit", "user_function"
    • axial_curve_fit_row_variable can be "normalized_radius"
    • axial_curve_fit_column_variable can be "normalized_flow_rate"
    • radial_coefficient_type can be "constant", "piecewise_bilinear", "user_function"
    • radial_curve_fit_row_variable can be "normalized_radius"
    • radial_curve_fit_column_variable can be "normalized_flow_rate"
    • tangential_coefficient_type can be "constant","piecewise_bilinear", "user_function"
    • tangential_curve_fit_row_variable can be "normalized_radius"
    • tangential_curve_fit_column_variable can be "normalized_flow_rate"
    def cmdSetFlexibleBody( name, clobber = True,
                                      equation = 'mesh_displacement',
                                      num_modes = 1,
                                      type = 'trapezoidal',
                                      num_sub_steps = 1,
                                      mass = (),
                                      stiffness = (),
                                      damping = (),
                                      contact_constraints = (),
                                      external_force = (),
                                      external_force_multiplier_function = 'none',
                                      initial_displacement= (),
                                      initial_velocity = (),
                                      initial_force = (),
                                      internal_force_multiplier_function = 'none',
                                      user_function = '',
                                      user_values = (),
                                      user_strings = (),
                                      surface_outputs = (),
                                      evaluation = 'once_per_solution_update',
                                      filter = 'none',
                                      iir_input_coefficients = ((1),),
                                      iir_output_coefficients= (),
                                      datatree = True ):
    • equation can be "mesh_displacement", "velocity"
    • type can be "trapezoidal", "user_function"
    • evaluation can be "once_per_solution_update", "once_per_time_step"
    • filter can be "none", "iir"
    def cmdSetFreeSurface( name, clobber = True,
                                     active = False,
                                     surface_tension_model = 'none',
                                     contact_angle_model = 'none',
                                     head = 'Model' ,
                                     model = modelSrf ):
    def cmdSetGlobalMeshAttributes( clobber = True,
                                    MeshSizeType = 'relative_value',
                                    AbsMeshSize = 1.0,  
                                    RelMeshSize = 0.1,
                                    AbsMeshSizeExp = "value=1.0",
                                    RelMeshSizeExp = "value=0.125",
                                    AbsAnisoMeshSize = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1) ),
                                    RelAnisoMeshSize = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1) ),
                                    AbsAnisoMeshSizeFactor  = 1.0,
                                    RelAnisoMeshSizeFactor  = 1.0,
                                    CurvatureRefinementFlag = True,
                                    CurvatureAngle = 25,
                                    CurvatureMeshSizeFactor = 0.5,
                                    MeshGrowthRate = 1.0,
                                    SweepAngle = 45):
    • MeshSizeType can be "absolute_value", "relative_value", "absolute_expression", "relative_expression", "absolute_aniso_value", "relative_aniso_value"
    def cmdSetGuideSurface( name, clobber = True,
                                      active = False,
                                      type = 'faceted',
                                      crease_angle = 90,
                                      mesh_motion = 'none'.
                                      head = 'Model',
                                      model = modelSrf):
    • type can be "faceted"
    def cmdSetHeatExchangerComponent( name, clobber = True,
                 active = False,
                 type ='constant_coolant_heat_reject',
                 coolant_heat_reject = 0,
                 coolant_heat_reject_multiplier_function = 'none',
                 coolant_flow_rate = 0,
                 coolant_flow_rate_multiplier_function = 'none',
                 direction = ((1,0,0),),
                 thickness = 1,
                 upstream_distance = 0,
                 friction_type = 'constant',
                 friction = 0,
                 inlet_min_area_ratio = 1,
                 outlet_min_area_ratio = 1,
                 wet_min_area_ratio = 1,
                 core_friction_constant = 1,
                 core_friction_exponent = -1,
                 inlet_loss_coefficients = ((0.4,0.0,-0.4),),
                 outlet_loss_coefficients = ((1,-2,1),),
                 friction_curve_fit_values = ((0,1),),
                 friction_curve_fit_variable = 'axial_velocity',
                 friction_user_function = '',
                 friction_user_values = (),
                 friction_user_strings = (),
                 friction_multiplier_function = 'none',
                 transverse_friction_factor = 10,
                 effectiveness_type = 'constant',
                 effectiveness = 1,
                 effectiveness_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(0,1),),
                 effectiveness_curve_fit_row_variable = 'coolant_flow_rate',
                 effectiveness_curve_fit_column_variable = 'axial_velocity',
                 effectiveness_user_function = '',
                 effectiveness_user_values = (),
                 effectiveness_user_strings = (),
                 effectiveness_multiplier_function = 'none',
                 head = 'Model' ,
                 model = modelSrf ):
    • type can be "constant_coolant_heat_reject"
    • friction_type can be "constant", "kays_london piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • friction_curve_fit_variable can be "axial_velocity"
    • effectiveness_type can be "constant","piecewise_bilinear", "user_function"
    • effectiveness_curve_fit_row_variable can be "coolant_flow_rate"
    • effectiveness_curve_fit_column_variable can be "axial_velocity"
    def cmdSetIntegratedBoundaryCondition( name,
                                                    clobber = True,
                                                    active = False,
                                                    variable = '',
                                                    type = 'constant',
                                                    constant_value = 0,
                                                    multiplier_function = 'none',
                                                    head = 'Model' ,
                                                    model = modelSrf ):
    • variable can be "mass_flux", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    • type can be "constant"
    def cmdSetInterfaceSurface( name, clobber = True,
                                         active = False,
                                         gap_factor = 1,
                                         gap = 0,
                                         crease_angle = 90 ,
                                         head = 'Model' ,
                                         model = modelSrf ):
    def cmdSetLinearSolverParameters( clobber = True,
                           tab = 'basic',
                           lhs_storage = 'sparse',
                           min_num_iteration_ratio = 0.5,
                           pressure_precedence_factor = 1.0,
                           num_pressure_projection_vectors = 10,
                           num_velocity_projection_vectors = 5,
                           num_flow_projection_vectors = 5,
                           num_viscoelastic_stress_projection_vectors = 5,
                           num_temperature_projection_vectors = 10,
                           num_radiation_projection_vectors = 10,
                           num_temperature_flow_projection_vectors = 4,
                           num_species_projection_vectors = 10,
                           num_turbulence_projection_vectors = 10,
                           num_mesh_displacement_projection_vectors= 10,
                           pressure_lhs_inverse_order = 5,
                           velocity_lhs_inverse_order = 5,
                           flow_lhs_inverse_order = 5,
                           temperature_lhs_inverse_order = 5,
                           pressure_regularization_factor = 1.0,
                           velocity_regularization_factor = 0.5,
                           flow_regularization_factor = 0,
                           viscoelastic_stress_regularization_factor= 0,
                           temperature_regularization_factor = 0,
                           temperature_flow_regularization_factor = 0,
                           species_regularization_factor = 0,
                           turbulence_regularization_factor = 0,
                           mesh_displacement_regularization_factor = 0,
                           pressure_update_factor = 1.0,
                           velocity_update_factor = 1.0,
                           temperature_update_factor = 1.0,
                           species_update_factor = 1.0,
                           turbulence_update_factor = 1.0,
                           mesh_displacement_update_factor = 1.0,
                           radiation_update_factor = 1.0,
                           max_pressure_update = 0.0,
                           max_velocity_update = 0.0,
                           max_viscoelastic_stress_update = 0.0,
                           max_temperature_update = 0.0,
                           max_species_update = 0.0,
                           max_turbulence_update = 0.0,
                           max_mesh_displacement_update = 0.0,
                           max_radiation_update = 0.0,
                           max_reverse_update_factor = 0.0,
                           pressure_update_filter = 'none',
                           velocity_update_filter = 'none',
                           viscoelastic_stress_update_filter = 'none',
                           temperature_update_filter = 'none',
                           species_update_filter = 'none',
                           turbulence_update_filter = 'none',
                           mesh_displacement_update_filter = 'none',
                           radiation_update_filter = 'none',
                           protect_parameters = False ):
    • lhs_storage can be "sparse", "reduced_memory_sparse"
    • pressure_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    • velocity_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    • viscoelastic_stress_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    • radiation_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    • temperature_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    • species_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    • turbulence_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    • mesh_displacement_update_filter can be "none", "mic"
    def cmdSetDensityModel( name, clobber = True,
                                      type = 'constant',
                                      density = 1,
                                      expansivity_type = 'constant',
                                      expansivity = 1,
                                      reference_temperature = 273.14,
                                      reference_pressure = 0,
                                      specific_heat_ratio = 1.4,
                                      gas_constant = 286.6,
                                      isothermal_compressibility = 0,
                                      curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                      curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                      user_function = '',
                                      user_values = (),
                                      user_strings = () ):
    • type can be "constant", "boussinesq", "isentropic", "ideal_gas", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • expansivity_type can be "constant"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate","pressure", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4', "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    def cmdSetSpecificHeatModel( name, clobber = True,
                                           type = 'constant',
                                           specific_heat = 1,
                                           curve_fit_values = ((0,1),),
                                           curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                           user_function = '',
                                           user_values = (),
                                           user_strings = (),
                                           latent_heat_type = 'none',
                                           latent_heat = 0,
                                           latent_heat_temperature = 0,
                                           latent_heat_temperature_interval = 0 ):
    • type can be "constant", "piecewise_linear_enthalpy", "cubic_spline_enthalpy", "user_function_enthalpy"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "temperature"
    • latent_heat_type can be "none","constant"
    def cmdSetViscosityModel( name,
                               nodePath = None,
                               clobber = True,
                               type = 'constant',
                               viscosity = 0,
                               power_law_viscosity = 0,
                               power_law_time_constant = 0,
                               power_law_index = 1,
                               power_law_lower_strain_rate = 0,
                               bingham_viscosity = 1,
                               bingham_yield_stress = 0,
                               bingham_stress_growth_exponent = 500,
                               bingham_time_constant = 1,
                               bingham_index = 1,
                               bingham_infinite_shear_viscosity= 0,
                               carreau_zero_shear_viscosity = 0,
                               carreau_infinite_shear_viscosity= 0,
                               carreau_time_constant = 0,
                               carreau_index = 1,
                               carreau_transition_index = 2,
                               curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                               curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                               user_function = '',
                               user_values = (),
                               user_strings = (),
                               multiplier_function = 'none' ):
    • type can be "constant", "ramped", "power_law", "bingham", "carreau", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    def cmdSetViscoelasticModel(   name,
                                   clobber = True,
                                   type = 'none',
                                   time_constant = 0.0,
                                   giesekus_mobility_factor = 0.0,
                                   phan_thien_tanner_extensibility_factor = 0.0,
                                   phan_thien_tanner_differential_ratio  = 0.0,
                                   curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                   curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                   user_function = '',
                                   user_values = (),
                                   user_strings = (),
                                   multiplier_function = 'none',
                                   viscosity_type = 'constant',
                                   viscosity = 0,
                                   power_law_viscosity = 0,
                                   power_law_time_constant = 0,
                                   power_law_index = 1,
                                   power_law_lower_strain_rate = 0,
                                   bingham_viscosity = 1,
                                   bingham_yield_stress = 0,
                                   bingham_stress_growth_exponent = 500,
                                   bingham_time_constant = 1,
                                   bingham_index = 1,
                                   bingham_infinite_shear_viscosity = 0,
                                   carreau_zero_shear_viscosity = 0,
                                   carreau_infinite_shear_viscosity = 0,
                                   carreau_time_constant = 0,
                                   carreau_index = 1,
                                   carreau_transition_index = 2,
                                   viscosity_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                   viscosity_curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                   viscosity_user_function = '',
                                   viscosity_user_values = (),
                                   viscosity_user_strings = (),
                                   viscosity_multiplier_function = 'none'
    • type can be "none", "oldroyd_b", "giesekus", "phan_thien_tanner", "bingham", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    def cmdSetConductivityModel( name, clobber = True,
                                            type = 'constant',
                                            conductivity = 0,
                                            prandtl_number = 0.71,
                                            curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                            curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                            user_function = '',
                                            user_values = (),
                                            user_strings = (),
                                            multiplier_function = 'none',
                                            turbulent_prandtl_number = 0.91,
                                            anisotropic_conductivity= ((0,0,0,0,0,0),),
                                            anisotropic_curve_fit_values  = ((0,0,0,0,0,0,0),),
                                            anisotropic_curve_fit_variable= 'temperature',
                                            anisotropic_user_function = '',
                                            anisotropic_user_values  = (),
                                            anisotropic_user_strings = () ):
    • type can be "constant", "constant_prandtl_number", "ramped", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function", "constant_anisotropic", "piecewise_linear_anisotropic", "cubic_spline_anisotropic", "user_function_anisotropic"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    • anisotropic_curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    def cmdSetDiffusivityModel( name, species,
                                          clobber = True,
                                          type = 'constant',
                                          diffusivity = 0,
                                          curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                          curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                          user_function = '',
                                          user_values = (),
                                          user_strings = (),
                                          multiplier_function = 'none',
                                          turbulent_schmidt_number= 0.91 ):
    • type can be "constant", "ramped", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    def cmdSetPorosityModel( name, clobber = True,
                             type = 'none',
                             porosity = 1,
                             permeability_type = 'cartesian',
                             direction_1_permeability = 1,
                             direction_1_permeability_multiplier_function = 'none',
                             direction_2_permeability = 1,
                             direction_2_permeability_multiplier_function = 'none',
                             direction_3_permeability = 1,
                             direction_3_permeability_multiplier_function = 'none',
                             cylindrical_permeability_axis = ( (0,0,0),(1,0,0) ),
                             spherical_permeability_center = ( 0,0,0 ),
                             radial_permeability = 1,
                             radial_permeability_multiplier_function = 'none',
                             axial_permeability = 1,
                             axial_permeability_multiplier_function = 'none',
                             tangential_permeability = 1,
                             tangential_permeability_multiplier_function = 'none',
                             permeability_flow_direction = 'x',
                             permeability_flow_direction_vector = (1,0,0),
                             permeability_direction = ((1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)),
                             data_type = 'direct',
                             velocity_pressure_drop_fit = ((0.0,0.0),(1.0,1.0)),
                             porous_thickness = 0.1,
                             darcy_coefficient = 0,
                             forchheimer_coefficient = 0,
                             darcy_multiplier_function = 'none',
                             forchheimer_multiplier_function = 'none' ):
    • type can be "none", "constant"
    • data_type can be "value", "pv_curve"
    def cmdSetMaterialModel( name,
                                       clobber = True,
                                       medium = 'fluid',
                                       datatree = True ,
                                       species = 1,
                                       sp_cut_off = 0.5,
                                       material_1 = '',
                                       material_2 = '',
                                       surface_tension = '' ):
def cmdSetMeshExtrusionItems( name,
                                 clobber = True,
                                 active = True,
                                 GeomType = 'surface',
                                 side1 = 'Side1',
                                 side2 = 'Side2',
                                 ExtrusionType = 'Number of layers', 
                                 NumberOfLayers = 1,
                                 HeightOfLayers = [ "1", "mm" ],
                                 ExtrusionOptions  = 'Mixed elements' ):
  • ExtrusionType can be "Number of layers", "Layer height"
  • GeomType can be "surface", "edge"
  • ExtrusionOptions can be "Mixed elements", "All tets", "Extruded surface", "All tris"
    def cmdSetMeshMotion( name, clobber = True,
                          type = 'none',
                          translation_velocity = ((0,0,0),),
                          translation_variable = 'time',
                          translation_variable_multiplier_function = 'none',
                          rotation_center = ((0,0,0),),
                          angular_velocity = ((0,0,0),),
                          rotation_variable = 'time',
                          rotation_variable_multiplier_function = 'none',
                          curve_fit_values = ((0,0,0,0,1,0,0),),
                          curve_fit_variable = 'time',
                          curve_fit_variable_multiplier_function = 'none',
                          user_function = '',
                          user_values = (),
                          user_strings = (),
                          rigid_body_x_displacement = 'active',
                          rigid_body_y_displacement = 'active',
                          rigid_body_z_displacement = 'active',
                          rigid_body_x_rotation = 'active',
                          rigid_body_y_rotation = 'active',
                          rigid_body_z_rotation = 'active',
                          rigid_body_center = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_direction = ((1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1),),
                          rigid_body_mass = 1,
                          rigid_body_dyadic = ((1,1,1,0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_stiffness = ((0,0,0,0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_damping = ((0,0,0,0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_rotational_stiffness = ((0,0,0,0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_rotational_damping = ((0,0,0,0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_external_force = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_external_force_multiplier_function = 'none',
                          rigid_body_external_moment = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_external_moment_multiplier_function = 'none',
                          rigid_body_initial_displacement = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_initial_velocity = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_initial_rotation = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_initial_angular_velocity = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_initial_force = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_internal_force_multiplier_function = 'none',
                          rigid_body_initial_moment = ((0,0,0),),
                          rigid_body_internal_moment_multiplier_function= 'none',
                          rigid_body_filter = 'none',
                          rigid_body_iir_input_coefficients = ((1),),
                          rigid_body_iir_output_coefficients = (),
                          rigid_body_surface_outputs = (),
                          interpolated_motion_surfaces = (),
                          datatree = True ):
  • type can be "none", "zero", "translation", "rotation", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function", "rigid_body_dynamic"
  • translation_variable can be "time", "multiplier_function"
  • rotation_variable can be "time", "multiplier_function"
  • curve_fit_variable can be "time", "multiplier_function"
  • rigid_body_x_displacement can be "active", "zero"
  • rigid_body_y_displacement can be "active", "zero"
  • rigid_body_z_displacement can be "active", "zero"
  • rigid_body_x_rotation can be "active", "zero"
  • rigid_body_y_rotation can be "active", "zero"
  • rigid_body_z_rotation can be "active", "zero"
  • rigid_body_filter can be "none", "iir"
    def cmdSetMeshProcessAttributes( clobber = True,
                                     ScaleFactor = (( 1.0,1.0,1.0),),
                                     BoundaryLayerMinAspectRatioFlag = False,
                                     BoundaryLayerMinAspectRatio = 0.9,
                                     BoundaryLayerExposedRatioFlag = False,
                                     BoundaryLayerExposedRatio = 0.2,
                                     BoundaryLayerConformityAngle = 150.0,
                                     BoundaryLayer2DMinAspectRatioFlag = False,
                                     BoundaryLayer2DMinAspectRatio = 0.9,
                                     EdgeBlendSmoothFlag = False,
                                     EdgeBlendCutOffType = "RELATIVE_VALUE",
                                     EdgeBlendCutOffTarget = "First Layer",
                                     EdgeBlendCutOffValue = 0.01,
                                     EdgeBlendConstrainLayer = 0,
                                     EdgeBlendRelHeightSmoothDist= 3.0,
                                     EdgeBlendSweepAngle = 45,
                                     ReducedMeshFlag = True,
                                     EnsureInteriorVertices = "ENSURE_NONE",
                                     ShrinkMixedFlag = False,
                                     MeshType = "ACUMESH_VOL_MESH",
                                     VolOptOptimMeshFlag = True,
                                     VolOptSmoothMeshFlag = True,
                                     VolOptSmoothMeshLevel = 1,
                                     VolOptModifySurfFlag = False,
                                     VolOptStructMeshFlag = False,
                                     VolOptUnstructMeshFlag = False,
                                     VolOptEnforceMeshFlag = False,
                                     SrfOptSnapOnMatchFlag = True,
                                     SrfOptSmoothMeshFlag = True,
                                     SrfOptSmoothMeshLevel = 3,
                                     SrfOptFixIntFlag = True,
                                     SrfOptFixIntLevel = "1",
                                     SrfOptContOnErrorFlag = False,
                                     SrfOptProximitySizeLevel = 0,
                                     SrfOptFaceRotAngLim = 15,
                                     SrfMeshImproveFlag = False,
                                     SrfImpOptimFlag = True,
                                     SrfImpGradeMeshFlag = False,
                                     SrfImpGradeRate = 2.0/3,
                                     SrfImpFixIntFlag = False,
                                     SrfImpFixIntLevel = "1",
                                     SrfImpMinRefinementFlag = False,
                                     SrfImpRefType = 'ABSOLUTE_VALUE',
                                     SrfImpRefAbsSize = 0.1,
                                     SrfImpRefRelSize = 0.1,
                                     SrfImpShapeMetricType = 'MAX_ANGLE',
                                     SrfImpShapeMetricValue = 0.5,
                                     VolMeshImproveFlag = False,
                                     VolImpOptimFlag = True,
                                     VolImpGradeMeshFlag = False,
                                     VolImpGradeRate = 2.0/3,
                                     VolImpMinRefinementFlag = False,
                                     VolImpRefType = 'ABSOLUTE_VALUE',
                                     VolImpRefAbsSize = 0.1,
                                     VolImpRefRelSize = 0.1,
                                     VolImpModSrfMeshFlag = False,
                                     VolImpShapeMetricType = 'MAX_ANGLE',
                                     VolImpShapeMetricValue = 0.5,
                                     MaximumVertices = 0,
                                     MaximumEdges = 0,
                                     MaximumFaces = 0,
                                     MaximumRegions = 0,
                                     SmallFeatureMeshingFlag = False,
                                     SmallFeatureMeshingType = 'RELATIVE_TOLERANCE',
                                     SmallFeatureMeshingTolerance = 0.0125):
    def cmdSetMultiplierFunction( name, clobber = True,
                                           type = 'constant',
                                           constant_value = 1,
                                           sine_coefficients = (1,0,0),
                                           curve_fit_values = ((0,1),),
                                           curve_fit_variable = 'time',
                                           curve_fit_variable_multiplier_function = 'none',
                                           curve_fit_variable_user_global_data = 'none',
                                           curve_fit_variable_cyclic_period    = 1,
                                           user_function = '',
                                           user_values = (),
                                           user_strings = (),
                                           user_history_variables = (),
                                           user_global_data = '',
                                           evaluation = 'once_per_time_step',
                                           filter = 'none',
                                           iir_input_coefficients = ((1),),
                                           iir_output_coefficients = (),
                                           filter_relaxation_factor = 0.5,
                                           dependencies = (),
                                           datatree = True ):
    • type can be "constant", "sine_series", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "piecewise_log_linear", "user_function", "user_global_data", "modifiable"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "time", "cyclic_time", "time_step", "time_increment", "multiplier_function", "user_global_data"
    • evaluation can be "once_per_time_step", "once_per_solution_update"
    • filter can be "none", "relaxation", 'iir', ''mic"
    def cmdSetNodalBoundaryCondition( name,
                      clobber = True,
                      active = False,
                      variable = '',
                      panel_type = None,
                      panel_dir = None,
                      precedence = 1,
                      type = 'zero',
                      nodes = (),
                      constant_value = 0,
                      nodal_values = (),
                      user_nodal_values = (),
                      curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                      curve_fit_variable = 'x_coordinate',
                      user_function = '',
                      user_values = (),
                      user_strings = (),
                      scattered_data = (),
                      scattered_data_origin = ((0,0,0),),
                      scattered_data_axes = ((1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)),
                      external_file = '',
                      external_file_nodal_offset = (),
                      external_file_evaluation = 'once_per_time_step',
                      auxiliary_nodes = (),
                      reference_frame = 'none',
                      multiplier_function = 'none',
                      mesh_motion = 'none',
                      flexible_body = '',
                      guide_surface = '',
                      nodal_modes = (),
                      time_series = ((0),),
                      time_series_variable = 'time',
                      time_series_cyclic_period = 1,
                      time_series_variable_multiplier_function= 'none',
                      direction_type = 'constant',
                      constant_direction = ((1,0,0),),
                      nodal_directions = (),
                      active_type = 'all',
                      active_user_function = '',
                      active_user_values = (),
                      active_user_strings = (),
                      external_code_tags = () ):
    • variable can be "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "direction_velocity", "pressure", "viscoelastic_xx_stress", "viscoelastic_yy_stress", "viscoelastic_zz_stress", "viscoelastic_xy_stress", "viscoelastic_yz_stress", "viscoelastic_zx_stress", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "eddy_viscosity", "kinetic_energy", "eddy_frequency", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_direction_displacement", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_direction_velocity"
    • type can be "zero", "constant", "nodal", "nodal_time_series", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function", "scattered_data", "scattered_data_time_series", "external_file", "match_mesh_velocity", "mesh_motion", "flexible_body", "external_code", "guide_surface"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "x_coordinate", "y_coordinate", "z_coordinate", "x_reference_coordinate", "y_reference_coordinate", "z_reference_coordinate", "x_velocity", "y_velocity", "z_velocity", "velocity_magnitude", "pressure", "temperature", "eddy_viscosity", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "mesh_x_displacement", "mesh_y_displacement", "mesh_z_displacement", "mesh_displacement_magnitude", "mesh_x_velocity", "mesh_y_velocity", "mesh_z_velocity", "mesh_velocity_magnitude"
    • external_file_evaluation can be "once_per_time_step"
    • time_series_variable can be "time", "cyclic_time", "multiplier_function"
    • direction_type can be "constant", "nodal", "normal"
    • active_type can be "none", "all", "inflow", "far_field", "user_function", "no_interface"
    def cmdSetVelocityNodalInitialCondition(
                                             clobber = True, 
                                              x_velocity = 0.0,
                                              y_velocity = 0.0, 
                                              z_velocity = 0.0,
                                              initType = "constant",
                                              nodal_values = (),
                                              satisfy_boundary_condition = False ):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
    def cmdSetPressureNodalInitialCondition(
                                            clobber = True,
                                            pressure = 0.0,
                                            initType = "constant",
                                            nodal_values = (),
                                            satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
def cmdSetEddyViscosityNodalInitialCondition(
                                            clobber = True,
                                            eddy_viscosity = 0.0,
                                            initType = "constant",
                                            nodal_values = (),
                                            satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
def cmdSetEddyFrequencyNodalInitialCondition(
                                         clobber = True,
                                         eddy_frequency = 0.0,
                                         initType = "constant",
                                         nodal_values = (),
                                         satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
def cmdSetKineticEnergyNodalInitialCondition(
                                            clobber = True,
                                            kinetic_energy = 0.0,
                                            initType = "constant",
                                            nodal_values = (),
                                            satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
def cmdSetTemperatureNodalInitialCondition(
                                         clobber = True,
                                         temperature = 0.0,
                                         initType = "constant",
                                         nodal_values = (),
                                         satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
  • NODAL_INITIAL_CONDITION-ViscoelasticStress
def cmdSetViscoelasticStressNodalInitialCondition(
                                          clobber = True,
                                          viscoelastic_xx_stress  = 0.0,
                                          viscoelastic_yy_stress  = 0.0,
                                          viscoelastic_zz_stress  = 0.0,
                                          viscoelastic_xy_stress  = 0.0,
                                          viscoelastic_yz_stress  = 0.0,
                                          viscoelastic_zx_stress  = 0.0,
                                          initType = "constant",
                                          nodal_values = (),
                                          satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
def cmdSetSpeciesNodalInitialCondition(
                                          clobber = True,
                                          species_1 = 0.0,
                                          species_2 = 0.0,
                                          species_3 = 0.0,
                                          species_4 = 0.0,
                                          species_5 = 0.0,
                                          species_6 = 0.0,
                                          species_7 = 0.0,
                                          species_8 = 0.0,
                                          species_9 = 0.0,
                                          initType  = "constant",
                                          nodal_values = (),
                                          satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
def cmdSetMeshDisplacementNodalInitialCondition(
                                                     clobber = True,
                                                     x_mesh_displacement = 0.0,
                                                     y_mesh_displacement = 0.0,
                                                     z_mesh_displacement = 0.0,
                                                     initType = "constant",
                                                     nodal_values = (),
                                                     satisfy_boundary_condition = False ): 
  • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
    def cmdSetNodalInitialCondition( clobber = True,
                                     pressure = 0.0,
                                     x_velocity = 0.0,
                                     y_velocity = 0.0,
                                     z_velocity = 0.0,
                                     viscoelastic_xx_stress  = 0.0,
                                     viscoelastic_yy_stress  = 0.0,
                                     viscoelastic_zz_stress  = 0.0,
                                     viscoelastic_xy_stress  = 0.0,
                                     viscoelastic_yz_stress  = 0.0,
                                     viscoelastic_zx_stress  = 0.0,
                                     temperature = 0.0,
                                     species_1 = 0.0,
                                     species_2 = 0.0,
                                     species_3 = 0.0,
                                     species_4 = 0.0,
                                     species_5 = 0.0,
                                     species_6 = 0.0,
                                     species_7 = 0.0,
                                     species_8 = 0.0,
                                     species_9 = 0.0,
                                     eddy_viscosity = 0.0,
                                     kinetic_energy = 0.0,
                                     eddy_frequency = 0.0,
                                     x_mesh_displacement = 0.0,
                                     y_mesh_displacement = 0.0,
                                     z_mesh_displacement = 0.0,
                                     show_all = False,
                                     initType = "constant"
                                     nodal_values = (),
                                     satisfy_boundary_condition = False):
    • initType can be "constant", "nodal_values"
    def cmdSetNodalOutput( clobber = True,
                                     output_frequency = 1000,
                                     output_time_interval = 0,
                                     output_initial_condition= False,
                                     continuous_output = False,
                                     num_saved_states = 0 ):
    def cmdSetDerivedQuantityOutput( clobber = True,
                                               output_frequency = 0,
                                               output_time_interval = 0,
                                               num_saved_states = 0 ): 
    def cmdSetRunningAverageOutput( clobber = True,
                                              output_frequency = 1000,
                                              output_time_interval = 0,
                                              num_saved_states = 0 ):
    def cmdSetTimeAverageOutput( clobber = True,
                                            order = 2,
                                            output_frequency = 0,
                                            output_time_interval = 0,
                                            reset_frequency = 0,
                                            num_saved_states = 0 ):
    def cmdSetErrorEstimatorOutput( clobber = True,
                                             type = "pde_residual",
                                             output_frequency = 0,
                                             output_time_interval = 0,
                                             num_saved_states = 0,
                                             time_average_reset_frequency= 0 ):
    def cmdSetRestartOutput( clobber = True,
                                      output_frequency = 1000,
                                      output_time_interval = 0,
                                      num_saved_states = 0 ):
    def cmdSetNodalResidualOutput( clobber = True,
                                            output_frequency = 0,
                                            output_time_interval = 0,
                                            num_saved_states = 0 ):
    def cmdSetTimeHistoryOutput( name,
                                          clobber = True,
                                          type = 'nodal',
                                          nodes = ((1,),),
                                          coordinates = ((1,1,1,1),),
                                          display_points = False,
                                          output_frequency = 1,
                                          output_time_interval = 0,
                                          datatree = True ):
    • type can be "nodal", "coordinates"
    def cmdSetExternalOutput(    name,
                                          clobber = True, 
                                          type = 'socket',
                                          launch = False,
                                          launch_command = '', 
                                          socket_host = '',
                                          socket_port = 20000,
                                          user_function = '',
                                          user_values = (),
                                          user_strings = (),
                                          output_frequency = 1,
                                          output_time_interval =0,
                                          datatree = True ):
  • type can be "socket","user"
    def cmdSetParticleSurface( name, clobber = True,
                                        active = False,
                                        type = 'wall' ,
                                        head = 'Model',
                                        model = modelSrf ):
    • type can be "wall", "inflow", "outflow"
def cmdSetPeriodicBoundaryCondition( name,
                                    clobber = True,
                                    active = False,
                                    panel_type = None,
                                    panel_ref = None,
                                    variable = '',
                                    type = 'periodic',
                                    precedence = 1,
                                    rotation_axis = ((0,0,0,),(0,0,1)),
                                    constant_value = 0,
                                    constant_values = ((0,0,0),),
                                    user_function = '',
                                    user_values = (),
                                    user_strings = (),
                                    multiplier_function = 'none',
                                    active_type = 'all',
                                    active_user_function = '',
                                    active_user_values = (),
                                    active_user_strings = (),
                                    nodal_pair_values = () )
  • variable can be "all", "pressure", "velocity", "viscoelastic_xx_stress", "viscoelastic_yy_stress", "viscoelastic_zz_stress", "viscoelastic_xy_stress", "viscoelastic_yz_stress", "viscoelastic_zx_stress", "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "eddy_viscosity", "kinetic_energy", "eddy_frequency", "mesh_displacement"
  • type can be 'periodic', 'axisymmetric', 'two_reference_frames', 'constant_offset', 'nodal_pair_offset', 'user_function_offset', 'constant_coefficients', 'nodal_pair_coefficients', 'user_function_coefficients', 'single_unknown_offset', ' single_unknown_ratio' active_type can be "none", "all", "user_function
    def cmdSetProblemDescription( clobber = True,
                                            title = 'AcuSolve Problem',
                                            sub_title = 'AcuSolve Problem',
                                            type = 'steady',
                                            flow = 'navier_stokes',
                                            viscoelastic = 'none',
                                            absolute_pressure_offset = 0,
                                            temperature = 'none',
                                            absolute_temperature_offset = 0,
                                            radiation = 'none',
                                            species_transport= 'none',
                                            num_species = 1,
                                            turbulence = 'none',
                                            mesh = 'eulerian',
                                            external_code = False,
                                            running_average = False,
                                            running_average_steps = 100 ):
    • type can be "steady", "transient"
    • flow can be "navier_stokes", "stokes"
    • viscoelastic can be "none", "upper_convected_maxwell, "upper_convected_maxwell_log_model"
    • temperature can be "none", "advective_diffusive"
    • radiation can be "none", "enclosure"
    • species_transport can be "none", "advective_diffusive"
    • turbulence can be "none", "spalart_allmaras", "detached_eddy_simulation", "dynamic_model", "large_eddy_simulation", "spalart_allmaras_detached_eddy_simulation", "shear_stress_transport_detached_eddy_simulation", "shear_stress_transport", "k_omega"
    • mesh can be "eulerian", "specified", "arbitrary_lagrangian_eulerian"
    def cmdSetPtAutoSolutionStrategy(   clobber = True,
                                                 max_time  = 0,
                                                 max_segments = 10000 ):
    def cmdSetFlowField(    clobber = True,
                                     flow_field_type = 'steady',
                                     from_run = 0,
                                     from_directory = 'ACUSIM.DIR',
                                     from_problem = dbName,
                                     from_time_step = 0,
                                     time_step_type = 'all',
                                     cyclic_time_step_type = 'range',
                                     time_step_series = (),
                                     first_cyclic_time_step = 0,
                                     last_cyclic_time_step = 0,
                                     cyclic_end_time_steps = 'include_first',
                                     mesh_motion = True,
                                     pseudodynamic_mesh_update = 'max_angle',
                                     pseudodynamic_max_angle = 10,
                                     pseudodynamic_time_increment = 1,
                                     extended_flow_variables = (),
                                     coupling_socket_port = 20000):
  • flow_field_type can be "steady", "transient", "pseudotransient", "cyclic", "one_way_coupling", "two_way_coupling"
  • time_step_type can be "all", "time_step_series"
  • can be "max_angle", "time_increment"
    def cmdSetTraceOutput(  clobber = True,
                                      active = False,
                                      output_frequency  = 1,
                                      output_time_interval = 0,
                                      format = 'bin_rec',
                                      particle_seed = True,
                                      particle_coordinates = True,
                                      particle_time = True,
                                      particle_stretch = True,
                                      particle_stretch_magnitude = True,
                                      particle_log_stretch_magnitude  = True,
                                      particle_stretch_rate_magnitude = True,
                                      particle_velocity = True,
                                      particle_velocity_magnitude = True,
                                      particle_turbulence_random_seed = True,
                                      particle_element_id = True,
                                      particle_element_set_id = True,
                                      particle_marker = True, 
                                      particle_user_equations = True,
                                      flow_velocity = False,
                                      flow_velocity_magnitude = False,
                                      flow_pressure = False,
                                      flow_temperature = False,
                                      flow_species = False,
                                      flow_eddy_viscosity = False,
                                      flow_strain_rate_magnitude = False,
                                      flow_grad_velocity = False,
                                      flow_grad_pressure = False,
                                      flow_grad_temperature = False,
                                      flow_grad_species = False, 
                                      flow_grad_eddy_viscosity = False ):
  • format can be "bin_rec", "ascii", "binary"
    def cmdSetTimeCutOutput(clobber = True,
                                    active = False,
                                    time_cut_type = 'none',
                                    time_cuts = (),
                                    time_cut_start_time = 0,
                                    time_cut_stop_time = 0,
                                    time_cut_interval = 0,
                                    format = 'bin_rec',
                                    particle_seed = True,
                                    particle_coordinates = True,
                                    particle_time  = True,
                                    particle_stretch  = True,
                                    particle_stretch_magnitude = True,
                                    particle_log_stretch_magnitude = True,
                                    particle_stretch_rate_magnitude = True,
                                    particle_velocity = True,
                                    particle_velocity_magnitude = True,
                                    particle_turbulence_random_seed = True,
                                    particle_element_id = True,
                                    particle_element_set_id = True,
                                    particle_marker = True,
                                    particle_user_equations = True,
                                    flow_velocity = False,
                                    flow_velocity_magnitude = False,
                                    flow_pressure = False,
                                    flow_temperature = False,
                                    flow_species = False,
                                    flow_eddy_viscosity = False,
                                    flow_strain_rate_magnitude = False,
                                    flow_grad_velocity = False,
                                    flow_grad_pressure = False,
                                    flow_grad_temperature = False,
                                    flow_grad_species = False,
                                    flow_grad_eddy_viscosity = False ):
    • time_cut_type can be "none", "time_series", "time_interval"
    • format can be "bin_rec", "ascii", "binary"
    def cmdSetPoincareOutput(   clobber = True,
                                active  = False,
                                poincare_sections = (),
                                format = 'bin_rec',
                                particle_seed = True,
                                particle_coordinates = True,
                                particle_time = True,
                                particle_stretch = True,
                                particle_stretch_magnitude = True,
                                particle_log_stretch_magnitude  = True,
                                particle_stretch_rate_magnitude = True,
                                particle_velocity = True,
                                particle_velocity_magnitude = True,
                                particle_turbulence_random_seed = True,
                                particle_element_id = True,
                                particle_element_set_id = True,
                                particle_marker = True,
                                particle_user_equations = True,
                                flow_velocity = False,
                                flow_velocity_magnitude = False,
                                flow_pressure = False,
                                flow_temperature = False,
                                flow_species = False,
                                flow_eddy_viscosity = False,
                                flow_strain_rate_magnitude = False,
                                flow_grad_velocity = False,
                                flow_grad_pressure = False,
                                flow_grad_temperature = False,
                                flow_grad_species = False,
                                flow_grad_eddy_viscosity = False ):
    • format can be "bin_rec", "ascii", "binary"
def cmdSetParticleSeedBasic( name,
                                clobber = True,
                                marker = 0,
                                coordinates_type = 'per_seed',
                                seed_coordinates = ((1,0,0,0)),
                                particle_surface = 'none',
                                particle_surface_offset = 0,
                                element_set = 'none',
                                region_bounding_box = ((0,0,0),(1,1,1)),
                                number_of_seeds = 1,
                                density_type = 'constant',
                                constant_density = 1,
                                density_random_bounds = (0,1),
                                seed_densities = (1,),
                                radius_type = 'constant',
                                constant_radius = 1,
                                radius_random_bounds = (1,1),
                                seed_radii = (1,),
                                velocity_type = 'constant',
                                particle_velocity_multipler = 1.0,
                                constant_velocity = (0,0,0),
                                velocity_random_bounds = ((0,1),(0,1),(0,1)),
                                seed_velocities = ((0,0,0),),
                                time_type = 'zero',
                                seed_time = 0,
                                seed_times = (0,),
                                emission_time_type = 'time_series',
                                emission_times = (0,),
                                emission_start_time = 0,
                                emission_stop_time = 0,
                                emission_time_interval = 0,
                                stretch_type = 'constant',
                                constant_stretch = ( 1, 0, 0 ),
                                seed_stretch = ((1,0,0),),
                                random_stretch_length   = 1,
                                component_type = 'none',
                                constant_components = (0,),
                                seed_components = (0,),
                                component_random_bounds = (),
                                turbulence_random_seed_type = 'constant',
                                constant_turbulence_random_seed = 1,
                                turbulence_random_seeds = (1,) ):
  • coordinates_type can be "per_seed", "surface_random", "surface_uniform", "surface_flux_weighted", "volume_random", "volume_uniform", "region_random", "region_uniform"
  • time_type can be "zero", "constant", "per_seed", "emission_times"
  • stretch_type can be "constant", "random", "per_seed"
    def cmdSetParticleSeedUser(  name,
                                          clobber = True,
                                          type = 'constant',
                                          constant_values = (0,),
                                          seed_values = (0,),
                                          random_bounds = (),
                                          particle_seed = None,
                                          user_equation = None ):
    • type can be "constant", "random", "per_seed"
    def cmdSetParticleSeed(  name,
                                      clobber = True,
                                      datatree = True ):
    def cmdSetPtProblemDescription( clobber = True,
                                              particle = 'massless',
                                              stretch = 'none',
                                              user_equations = () ):
    • particle can be "massless", "finite_mass"
    • stretch can be "none", "standard"
    def cmdSetPtStagger(    name,
                                     clobber = True, 
                                     equation = 'none', 
                                     min_stagger_iterations = 1,
                                     max_stagger_iterations = 10,
                                     convergence_tolerance = 1.e-6,
                                     lhs_update_frequency = 1,
                                     nonlinear = True,
                                     user_equation = 'none',
                                     datatree = True,
                                     staggers = () ):
  • equation can be "none", "particle", "stretch", "user_equation"
    def cmdSetPtTimeSequence(   clobber = True,
                                         max_time = 0,
                                         max_segments = 10000,
                                         min_stagger_iterations = 1,
                                         max_stagger_iterations = 1,
                                         lhs_update_initial_times = 1,
                                         lhs_update_frequency = 1,
                                         stagger_convergence_tolerance = 1.e-4,
                                         stagger_lhs_update_frequency = 0,
                                         staggers = (),
                                         protect_parameters = False ):
def cmdSetPtTraceParameters(  clobber = True,
                                        element_crossing = False,
                                        turbulence_trace = False,
                                        max_segment_length = 0,
                                        max_segment_coordinate_increment = 0.5,
                                        max_segment_time_increment = 0.0,
                                        max_turning_angle = 15,
                                        protect_parameters = False ):
def cmdSetPtUserEquation( name,
                                  clobber = True,
                                  user_function = '',
                                  num_variables = 1,
                                  user_values = (),
                                  user_strings = (),
                                  type = 'evolve',
                                  datatree = True )
    def cmdSetRadiationParameters( clobber = True,
                                            view_factor_type = 'hemicube',
                                            num_hemicube_bins = 200,
                                            max_surface_subdivision = 1,
                                            smoothing_type = 'least_squares',
                                            stefan_boltzman_constant = 5.670e-8,
                                            num_symmetry_planes = 0,
                                            symmetry_center = ((0,0,0),),
                                            symmetry_direction_1 = ((1,0,0),),
                                            symmetry_direction_2 = ((0,1,0),),
                                            symmetry_direction_3 = ((0,0,1),) ):
    • view_factor_type can be "hemicube"
    • smoothing_type can be "least_squares"
    def cmdSetRadiationSurface( name, clobber = True,
                       active = False,
                       type = 'wall',
                       emissivity_model = '',
                       opening_temperature = 273.14,
                       opening_temperature_multiplier_function = 'none',
                       agglomeration = True,
                       max_agglomeration_surfaces = 25,
                       max_agglomeration_angle = 10,
                       max_agglomeration_radious = .25,
                       integrated_output_frequency = 1,
                       integrated_output_time_interval = 0,
                       nodal_output_frequency = 0,
                       nodal_output_time_interval = 0,
                       head = 'Model',
                       model = modelSrf):
    • type can be
    def cmdSetReferenceFrame( name, clobber = True,
                                       centrifugal = True,
                                       coriolis = True,
                                       angular_acceleration = True,
                                       rotation_center = (0,0,0,),
                                       angular_velocity = (0,0,0,),
                                       multiplier_function = 'none',
                                       datatree = True ):
    def cmdSetSimpleBoundaryCondition( name, clobber = True,
                    active = True,
                    type = 'wall',
                    inflow_type = 'velocity',
                    back_flow_conditions = False,
                    precedence = 1,
                    reference_frame = "none",
                    inflow_velocity_type = "cartesian",
                    wall_velocity_type = "match_mesh_velocity",
                    cylinder_axis = ( ( 0,0,0 ), (0,1,0) ),
                    sphere_center = ( 0,0,0 ),
                    x_velocity = 0.0,
                    x_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    y_velocity = 0.0,
                    y_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    z_velocity = 0.0,
                    z_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    axial_velocity = 0.0,
                    axial_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    radial_velocity = 0.0,
                    radial_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    tangential_velocity = 0.0,
                    tangential_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    normal_velocity = 0.0,
                    normal_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    mass_flux = 1.0,
                    mass_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    flow_rate = 1.0,
                    flow_rate_multiplier_function = "none",
                    average_velocity = 1.0,
                    average_velocity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    pressure = 0.0,
                    pressure_multiplier_function = "none",
                    pressure_loss_factor = 0.0,
                    pressure_loss_factor_multiplier_function = "none",
                    hydrostatic_pressure = False,
                    hydrostatic_pressure_origin = ( 0, 0, 0 ),
                    stagnation_pressure = 0.0,
                    stagnation_pressure_multiplier_function = "none",
                    temperature_type = "flux",
                    temperature = 0.0,
                    temperature_multiplier_function = "none",
                    heat_flux = 0.0,
                    heat_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    convective_heat_coefficient = 0.0,
                    convective_heat_multiplier_function = "none",
                    convective_heat_reference_temperature = 0.0,
                    species_1_type = "flux",
                    species_1 = 0.0,
                    species_1_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_1_flux = 0.0,
                    species_1_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_2_type = "flux",
                    species_2 = 0.0,
                    species_2_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_2_flux = 0.0,
                    species_2_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_3_type = "flux",
                    species_3 = 0.0,
                    species_3_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_3_flux = 0.0,
                    species_3_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_4_type = "flux",
                    species_4 = 0.0,
                    species_4_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_4_flux = 0.0,
                    species_4_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_5_type = "flux",
                    species_5 = 0.0,
                    species_5_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_5_flux = 0.0,
                    species_5_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_6_type = "flux",
                    species_6 = 0.0,
                    species_6_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_6_flux = 0.0,
                    species_6_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_7_type = "flux",
                    species_7 = 0.0,
                    species_7_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_7_flux = 0.0,
                    species_7_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_8_type = "flux",
                    species_8 = 0.0,
                    species_8_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_8_flux = 0.0,
                    species_8_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_9_type = "flux",
                    species_9 = 0.0,
                    species_9_multiplier_function = "none",
                    species_9_flux = 0.0,
                    species_9_flux_multiplier_function = "none",
                    turbulence_input_type = 'direct',
                    turbulence_average_velocity = 1.0,
                    turbulence_intensity = 1.0,
                    turbulence_length_scale = 1.0,
                    material_model_turbulence = 'Air',
                    turbulence_viscosity_ratio = 1.0,
                    eddy_viscosity = 0.0,
                    eddy_viscosity_multiplier_function = "none",
                    kinetic_energy = 0.0,
                    kinetic_energy_multiplier_function = "none",
                    eddy_frequency = 0.0,
                    eddy_frequency_multiplier_function = "none",
                    turbulence_wall_type = "wall_function",
                    roughness_height = 0.0,
                    non_reflecting_factor = 0.0,
                    surface_tension_model = "none",
                    contact_angle_model = "none",
                    mesh_displacement_type = "fixed",
                    flexible_body = '',
                    nodal_x_modes = (),
                    nodal_y_modes = (),
                    nodal_z_modes = (),
                    guide_surface = '',
                    mesh_motion = "none",
                    active_type = "all" ,
                    show_all = False,
                    advanced_features = False,
                    head = 'Model',
                    temperature_back_flow_type = "value",
                    eddy_viscosity_back_flow_type = "value",
                    kinetic_energy_back_flow_type = "value",
                    eddy_frequency_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_1_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_2_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_3_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_4_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_5_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_6_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_7_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_8_back_flow_type = "value",
                    species_9_back_flow_type = "value",
                    viscoelastic_xx_back_flow_type = "value",
                    viscoelastic_yy_back_flow_type = "value",
                    viscoelastic_zz_back_flow_type = "value",
                    viscoelastic_xy_back_flow_type = "value",
                    viscoelastic_yz_back_flow_type = "value",
                    viscoelastic_zx_back_flow_type = "value",
                    viscoelastic_xx_stress = 0.0,
                    viscoelastic_xx_stress_multiplier_function = "none",
                    viscoelastic_yy_stress = 0.0,
                    viscoelastic_yy_stress_multiplier_function = "none",
                    viscoelastic_zz_stress = 0.0,
                    viscoelastic_zz_stress_multiplier_function = "none",
                    viscoelastic_xy_stress = 0.0,
                    viscoelastic_xy_stress_multiplier_function = "none",
                    viscoelastic_yz_stress = 0.0,
                    viscoelastic_yz_stress_multiplier_function = "none",
                    viscoelastic_zx_stress = 0.0,
                    viscoelastic_zx_stress_multiplier_function = "none" ,
                    model = modelSrf ):
    • type can be "wall", "inflow", "outflow", "slip", "symmetry", "far_field", "free_surface"
    • inflow_type can be "velocity", "pressure", "stagnation_pressure", "mass_flux","flow_rate", "average_velocity"
    • inflow_velocity_type can be "cartesian", "cylindrical", "spherical", "normal"
    • wall_velocity_type can be "zero", "match_mesh_velocity", "cartesian","cylindrical","spherical", "normal"
    • temperature_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_1_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_2_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_3_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_4_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_5_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_6_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_7_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_8_type can be "value", "flux"
    • species_9_type can be "value", "flux"

      turbulence_input_type can be "direct", "intensity_and_length_scale", "viscosity_ratio", "intensity_and_viscosity_ratio"

    • turbulence_wall_type can be "none", "low_reynolds_number", "wall_function", "running_average_wall_function "
    • mesh_displacement_type can be "none", "fixed", "slip", "flexible_body", "guide_surface"
    • temperature_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "bulk", "exiting_area_average", "exiting_bulk", "value"
    • eddy_viscosity_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • kinetic_energy_back_flow_type_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • eddy_frequency_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_1_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_2_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_3_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_4_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_5_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_6_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_7_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_8_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • species_9_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • viscoelastic_xx_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • viscoelastic_yy_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • viscoelastic_zz_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • viscoelastic_xy_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • viscoelastic_yz_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • viscoelastic_zx_back_flow_type can be "area_average", "mass_flux_average","exiting_area_average", "exiting_mass_flux_average", "value"
    • active_type can be "none", "all", "no_interface"
    def cmdSetSolarRadiationModel( name, clobber = True,
                                specular_transmissivity_type = 'constant',
                                specular_transmissivity = 0,
                                specular_transmissivity_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(90,0),),
                                specular_transmissivity_curve_fit_variable = 'incidence_angle',
                                diffuse_transmissivity_type = 'constant',
                                diffuse_transmissivity = 0,
                                diffuse_transmissivity_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(90,0),),
                                diffuse_transmissivity_curve_fit_variable = 'incidence_angle',
                                specular_reflectivity_type = 'constant',
                                specular_reflectivity = 0,
                                specular_reflectivity_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(90,0),),
                                specular_reflectivity_curve_fit_variable = 'incidence_angle',
                                diffuse_reflectivity_type = 'constant',
                                diffuse_reflectivity = 0,
                                diffuse_reflectivity_curve_fit_values = ((0,0),(90,0),),
                                diffuse_reflectivity_curve_fit_variable = 'incidence_angle'
                                datatree = True ):
    • specular_transmissivity_type can be "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline"
    • specular_transmissivity_curve_fit_variable can be "incidence_angle"
    • diffuse_transmissivity_type can be "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline"
    • diffuse_transmissivity_curve_fit_variable can be "incidence_angle"
    • specular_reflectivity_type can be "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline"
    • specular_reflectivity_curve_fit_variable can be "incidence_angle"
    • diffuse_reflectivity_type can be "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline"
    • diffuse_reflectivity_curve_fit_variable can be "incidence_angle"
    def cmdSetSolarRadiationParameters( clobber = True,
                                                type = 'piecewise_linear',
                                                curve_fit_values = ((0,0,0,-1352),),
                                                curve_fit_variable = 'time',
                                                multiplier_function = 'none',
                                                computation_type = 'ray_trace',
                                                num_rays = 1000000,
                                                num_diffuse_sub_rays = 4,
                                                max_ray_reflections = 10,
                                                min_ray_energy = 1.e-3,
                                                terminated_ray_redistribution_factor = 1,
                                                smoothing = True ):
    • type can be "piecewise_linear"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "time"
    • computation_type can be "ray_trace"
    def cmdSetSolarRadiationSurface( name, clobber = True,
                                               active = False,
                                               side = 'default',
                                               solar_radiation_model = '' ,
                                               head = 'Model',
                                               model = modelSrf ):
    • side can be "default", "inward","outward","both"
    def cmdSetStagger( name, clobber = True,
                          equation = 'none',
                          explicit_type = 'none',
                          min_stagger_iterations = 1,
                          max_stagger_iterations = 1,
                          convergence_tolerance = 1.e-4,
                          lhs_update_frequency = 1,
                          linear_solver = 'gmres',
                          min_linear_solver_iterations = 1,
                          max_linear_solver_iterations = 1000,
                          num_krylov_vectors = 10,
                          linear_solver_tolerance = 1.e-1,
                          pressure_projection_tolerance = 1.e-1,
                          velocity_projection_tolerance = 1.e-1,
                          temperature_projection_tolerance= 1.e-1,
                          projection = True,
                          pressure_projection = True,
                          velocity_projection = False,
                          pressure_algebraic_multigrid = False,
                          pressure_algebraic_multigrid_update_frequency = 0,
                          temperature_projection = False,
                          pressure_algebraic_multigrid_update_frequency = 1,
                          velocity_algebraic_multigrid = False,
                          velocity_algebraic_multigrid_update_frequency = 1,
                          temperature_algebraic_multigrid = False,
                          temperature_algebraic_multigrid_update_frequency = 1,
                          algebraic_multigrid = False,
                          algebraic_multigrid_update_frequency = 1,
                          staggers = (),
                          datatree = True ,
                          protect_parameters = False ):
    • equation can be "none", "pressure", "velocity", "flow", "viscoelastic", "temperature", "radiation", "temperature_flow", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9", "turbulence", "mesh_displacement", "external_code", "kinetic_energy", "eddy_frequency"
    • explicit_type can be "none", "advection"
    • linear_solver can be "gmres", "bicgstab","conjugate_gradient"
    def cmdSetSurfaceMeshAttributes( name, clobber = True,
                 active = False,
                 MeshSizeType = 'absolute_value',
                 AbsMeshSize = 1.0,
                 RelMeshSize = 0.125,
                 AbsMeshSizeExp = "value=1.0",
                 RelMeshSizeExp = "value=0.125",
                 AbsAnisoMeshSize = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1) ),
                 RelAnisoMeshSize = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1) ),
                 AbsAnisoMeshSizeFactor = 1.0,
                 RelAnisoMeshSizeFactor  = 1.0,
                 CurvatureRefinementFlag = False,
                 CurvatureAngle = 25,
                 CurvatureMeshSizeFactor  = 0.5,
                 RegionOfInfluenceFlag = False,
                 InfluenceType = "SIMPLE",
                 InfluenceSizeFactor = 1.0,
                 InfluenceDistance  = 0.1,
                 InfluenceDirection = ( (1,0,0), ),
                 UpstreamInfluenceDistance  = 0.1,
                 DownstreamInfluenceDistance= 0.1,
                 InfluenceStartAngle = 15,
                 BoundaryLayerFlag = False,
                 BoundaryLayerSpec = 'type_1',
                 FirstLayerHeight = 0.001,
                 HeightOfLayers = 0.004,
                 GrowthRate = 1.3,
                 NumberOfLayers = 3 ,
                 ResolveBLAttrib = '3',
                 BoundaryLayerBlendsFlag = False,
                 BoundaryLayerPropagateFlag = False,
                 BoundaryLayerElemType = 'ACUMESH_BL_TETRAHEDRON',
                 SweepAngle = 45,
                 estimate_yp = 'none',
                 material_model_yp = 'Water',
                 vel_scale = 1.0,
                 len_scale = 1.0,
                 coeff = 1.0,
                 power = 1.0,
                 SmallFeatureMeshingFlag = False,
                 SmallFeatureMeshingType ='RELATIVE_TOLERANCE',
                 SmallFeatureMeshingTolerance = 0.0125,
                 head = 'Model'
                 model = modelSrf ):
    • MeshSizeType can be "none", "absolute_value", "relative_value", "absolute_expression", "relative_expression", "absolute_aniso_value", "relative_aniso_value"
    • InfluenceType can be "SIMPLE","DIRECTIONAL"
    • BoundaryLayerSpec can be "type_1","type_2", "type_4"
    • BoundaryLayerElemType can be "ACUMESH_BL_MIXED", "ACUMESH_BL_TETRAHEDRON"
    • ResolveBLAttrib can be "1","2","3","4"
    def cmdSetSurfaceOutput( name, clobber = True,
                                      active = False,
                                      integrated_output_frequency = 1,
                                      integrated_output_time_interval = 0,
                                      nodal_output_frequency = 0,
                                      nodal_output_time_interval = 0 ,
                                      num_saved_states = 0,
                                      head = 'Model',
                                      model = modelSrf ):
    def cmdSetSurfaceTensionModel( name, clobber = True,
                                            type = 'constant',
                                            surface_tension = 0,
                                            curve_fit_values = ((0,0),),
                                            curve_fit_variable = 'temperature',
                                            user_function = '',
                                            user_values = (),
                                            user_strings = (),
                                            multiplier_function = 'none',
                                            datatree = True ):
    • type can be "constant", "piecewise_linear", "cubic_spline", "user_function"
    • curve_fit_variable can be "temperature", "species_1", "species_2", "species_3", "species_4", "species_5", "species_6", "species_7", "species_8", "species_9"
    def cmdSetTimeIncrement( clobber = True,
                                      initial_time_increment = 0,
                                      previous_time_increment = 0,
                                      flow_time_increment = 0,
                                      auto_time_increment = True,
                                      local_time_increment = False,
                                      min_time_increment = 0,
                                      max_time_increment = 0,
                                      cfl_control = True,
                                      cfl_number = 100,
                                      min_cfl_number = 0,
                                      initial_cfl_number = 1,
                                      time_increment_decrease_factor = 0.25,
                                      time_increment_increase_factor = 1.25,
                                      time_increment_increase_delay = 4,
                                      min_time_increment_ratio = 0.1,
                                      multiplier_function = 'none' ,
                                      protect_parameters = False ):
    def cmdSetTimeIntegration( clobber = True,
                                         predictor = 'same_v',
                                         time_integration_order = 'first',
                                         high_frequency_damping_factor = 1.0,
                                         pressure_damping_type = 'max',
                                         lumped_mass_factor = 1.0,
                                         initialize_acceleration = False ,
                                         initialize_stokes = False,
                                         initialize_turbulence = False,
                                         protect_parameters = False ):
    • predictor can be "same_v", "zero_a"
    • time_integration_order can be "first", "second"
    def cmdSetTimeSequence( clobber = True,
                                     final_time = 0,
                                     min_time_steps = 1,
                                     max_time_steps = 1,
                                     convergence_tolerance = 1.e-4,
                                     termination_delay = 0,
                                     lhs_update_initial_times = 1,
                                     lhs_update_frequency = 1,
                                     min_stagger_iterations = 1,
                                     max_stagger_iterations = 1,
                                     stagger_convergence_tolerance = 1.e-4,
                                     stagger_lhs_update_frequency = 0,
                                     staggers = ('flow',) ,
                                     protect_parameters = False ):
    def cmdSetTurbulenceWall( name, clobber = True,
                                        active = False,
                                        type = 'low_reynolds_number',
                                        roughness_height = 0,
                                        active_type = 'all' ,
                                        head = 'Model'
                                        model = modelSrf ): 
    • type can be "low_reynolds_number", "wall_function", "running_average_wall_function"
    • active_type can be "none", "all", "no_interface"
    def cmdSetUserGlobalData( name, clobber = True,
                                        value = 0,
                                        datatree = True ):
    def cmdSetVolumeMeshAttributes( name, clobber = True,
                                             active = False,
                                             MeshSizeType = 'absolute_value',
                                             AbsMeshSize = 1.0,
                                             RelMeshSize = 0.125 ,
                                             AbsMeshSizeExp = "value=1.0",
                                             RelMeshSizeExp = "value=0.125",
                                             AbsAnisoMeshSize = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)),
                                             RelAnisoMeshSize  = ( (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)),
                                             AbsAnisoMeshSizeFactor = 1.0,
                                             RelAnisoMeshSizeFactor = 1.0,
                                             CurvatureRefinementFlag = False,
                                             CurvatureAngle = 25,
                                             CurvatureMeshSizeFactor = 0.1,
                                             SmallFeatureMeshingFlag = False,
                                             SmallFeatureMeshingType = 'RELATIVE_TOLERANCE',
                                             SmallFeatureMeshingTolerance = 0.0125,
                                             head = 'Model' ):
    • MeshSizeType can be "absolute_value", "relative_value", "absolute_expression", "relative_expression", "absolute_aniso_value", "relative_aniso_value", "none", "no_mesh"
    def cmdSetZoneMeshAttributes( name, clobber = True,
                                           active = True,
                                           type = 'sphere',
                                           centerArray = ( 0, 0, 0 ),
                                           radius = 1,
                                           BoxCenter = ( 0, 0, 0 ),
                                           BoxLengthX = 1.0,
                                           BoxLengthY = 1.0,
                                           BoxLengthZ = 1.0,
                                           BoxXRot = 0.0,
                                           BoxYRot = 0.0,
                                           BoxZRot = 0.0,
                                           baseCentersArray= (( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
                                           ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )),
                                           meshSize = 1.,
                                           datatree = True ):