Create an Extrusion Set

To create an extrusion mesh attributes entity, the following steps have to be performed.

  1. Create a new mesh extrusion entity by right-clicking on Mesh Extrusions and selecting New.
  2. Right-click on the new mesh extrusion entity and select Define.
  3. Select Side 1 and Side 2 surface groups that form the beginning and end faces for the mesh extrusion. Selection can either be done from the pull down list or graphically by clicking on the eye button next to the pull down list.
    The surface groups selected for Side 1 and Side 2 should have the same number of geometric faces.
There are four extrusion attributes in the Mesh Extrusion panel:
  • Extrusion type: This can be either Number of layers or Layer height. Number of layers should be used if you know the number of extrusion layers that are desired in the volume region. Alternatively, Layer height should be used to set the height of the individual extrusion layers.
  • Number of layers: If the Extrusion type is Number of layers, then this attribute should be set to the number of extrusion layers that are desired.
  • Layer height: If the Extrusion type is Layer height, then this attribute should be set to the desired height of each extrusion layer.
  • Extrusion options: Select Mixed elements to created extruded prism/hex elements, or Extruded surface to split all extruded elements into tetrahedrons.

After the surface groups for Side 1 and Side 2 are defined, AcuConsole loops through both surface groups and matches the geometric face pairs that have the same parent region.