Resolved Issues

The following is a list of issues that were resolved in 2020.

Resolved Issues 2020

  • Feasibility: Custom meshing improved to better capture part features and reduce triangle elements.
  • Feasibility: Fixed the issue with results remaining in the default system when the unit system selected by user is different.
  • Feasibility: Fixed an issue where constraints and drawbeads were not applied when defined on small edges that are lost during analysis.
  • Tryout: Blank meshing improved to better capture features and reduce triangle elements.
  • Tryout: Tool meshing improved to capture tool geometry features.
  • Tryout: Fixed an issue where created guide pins interfered with the blank.
  • Tryout: Fixed an issue with the model moving away from view when switching between operations.
  • Tryout: Fixed an issue where Top Pad and CAM Pad were applying constant force instead of variable force.