The surface plot legend linear range properties.
app = pf.GetApplication() app:NewProject() app:OpenFile(FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/startup.fek]]) graph = app.CartesianSurfaceGraphs:Add() farFieldPlot = graph.Plots:Add(app.Models[1].Configurations[1].FarFields[1]) -- SetProperties legend linear range farFieldPlot.Legend.LinearRange.Type = pf.Enums.LinearScaleRangeTypeEnum.Auto
Usage locations (object properties)
The following objects have properties using the SurfacePlotLegendLinearRangeFormat object:
Property List
- FixedRangeMax
- Specify the linear scale maximum value for the fixed range of the plot legend. (Read/Write number)
- FixedRangeMin
- Specify the linear scale minimum value for the fixed range of the plot legend. (Read/Write number)
- Type
- Method by which the linear scale range limits should be determined, specified by the LinearScaleRangeTypeEnum, e.g. Auto or Fixed. (Read/Write LinearScaleRangeTypeEnum)
Property Details
- FixedRangeMax
- Specify the linear scale maximum value for the fixed range of the plot legend.
- Type
- number
- Access
- Read/Write
- FixedRangeMin
- Specify the linear scale minimum value for the fixed range of the plot legend.
- Type
- number
- Access
- Read/Write
- Type
- Method by which the linear scale range limits should be determined, specified by the LinearScaleRangeTypeEnum, e.g. Auto or Fixed.
- Type
- LinearScaleRangeTypeEnum
- Access
- Read/Write