The addResponses Method

This method adds Response objects to the model. In this example, the objective is to find a design such that the Toe vs. Ride-Height curve matches a desired shape. The desired shape is provided as a goal for the suspension designer to meet.

The Ride-Height is a function of Time. You can match Toe vs. Time to a Toe vs. Time, which is easier. The deviation between the current shape and the desired shape can be computed using an RMS2 response.

Furthermore, you can add a Request to plot the actual and desired results.

The addResponses method for MV3010 is shown below:

def addResponses (self):
    For optimization one response is created:
       The square of the area between the desired and actual toe curves
  # The desired TOE angle
  x1=(0.00, 0.16, 0.32, 0.48, 0.64, 0.79875, 0.95875, 1.12125, 1.28, 1.44, 1.6, 1.76, 
      1.92, 2.08, 2.24, 2.40, 2.56, 2.72125, 2.88375, 3.035, 3.1975, 3.35875, 3.52,
      3.68, 3.84, 4.00 )
  y1=(0.00, -0.13, -0.26, -0.38, -0.51, -0.64, -0.77, -0.70, -0.58, -0.45, -0.32, -0.19,
     -0.06,  0.06,  0.19,  0.32,  0.45,  0.58,  0.70,  0.77,  0.64,  0.51,  0.38,  0.26, 
      0.13,  0.00)

  xy  = zip(x1,y1)

  # The actual TOE angle
  toe = "rtod(ATAN(DX(10401010,10403030)/DY(10401010, 10403030)))"

  # The RMS2 metric
  self.resp = RMS2 (label         = "Area Error", 
                    targetValue   = xy, 
                    measuredValue = toe, 
                    scale         = 10,
# Create some Requests for Plotting
    f2s = "AKISPL(TIME, 0, {})".format(
    f3s = "(DZ(10401010)-282.57)"
    Request (label="Desired Toe, Ride Height", f2=f2s, f3=f3s)