Disable the Writing of Mesh Data

AcuTrans provides you with the ability to disable writing of the mesh file when converting data into the FV-UNS split format.

This is achieved through the -mesh or -mesh_output command line option. This option is useful when you have multiple runs present of a transient stationary mesh simulation and you wish to convert all time steps into a single sequence of files for use in AcuFieldView. It can also be used for very large models where writing of the mesh data takes a significant amount of time. For example, the following sequence of commands can be used to convert data from multiple runs into a single sequence of results files with a separate mesh file:
"acuTrans -out -to fieldview -fvopt split -ts A -run 1"
This command converts both the mesh and results from all available time steps for run 1.
"acuTrans -out -to fieldview -fvopt split -ts A -run 2 -no_mesh"

This command converts the results from all available time steps for run 2, but not the mesh.