The report template tag and associated window settings.
app = pf.GetApplication() app:NewProject() app:OpenFile(FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/startup.pfs]]) -- Only generate the report if Microsoft Word is installed if ( app.MSWordInstalled ) then -- Add a Word 2007 report template to the POSTFEKO session reportTemplate = app.Reports:Add( FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/StartupModel.dotx]], pf.Enums.ReportDocumentTypeEnum.MSWord) -- Extract the tags from the template document and get a list of the open windows in the -- current session reportTemplate.TagSettings[1].Window = "startup1" reportTemplate.TagSettings[2].Window = "Cartesian graph1" -- Generate the report reportTemplate:Generate([[temp_StartupModelReport.docx]]) end