A collection of 2D graph text boxes.
app = pf.GetApplication() app:NewProject() app:OpenFile(FEKO_HOME..[[/shared/Resources/Automation/startup.fek]]) app.Views[1]:Close() -- Add a Cartesian graph to the application's collection and obtain -- the shapes collection graph = app.CartesianGraphs:Add() shapes = graph.Shapes textBox1 = shapes:AddTextBox("TextBox", 20,30) textBox1.TextDirection = pf.Enums.TextDirectionEnum.Rotate90 textBox1.BackColour = pf.Enums.ColourEnum.Yellow textBox1.Width = 100 textBox1.Height = 150 circle1 = shapes:AddCircle(35,30) circle1.BackColour = pf.Enums.ColourEnum.Cyan rectangle1 = shapes:AddRectangle(50,30) rectangle1.BackColour = pf.Enums.ColourEnum.Magenta
Usage locations (collections)
The following objects contain the ResultTextBoxCollection collection:
Property List
Method List
- AddCircle (posX number, posY number)
- Adds a circle to a graph. (Returns a ResultTextBox object.)
- AddRectangle (posX number, posY number)
- Adds a rectangle to a graph. (Returns a ResultTextBox object.)
- AddTextBox (text string)
- Adds a text box to a graph. (Returns a ResultTextBox object.)
- AddTextBox (text string, posX number, posY number)
- Adds a text box to a graph. (Returns a ResultTextBox object.)
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label. (Returns a boolean object.)
- Item (index number)
- Returns the ResultTextBox at the given index. (Returns a ResultTextBox object.)
- Item (label string)
- Returns the ResultTextBox with the given label. (Returns a ResultTextBox object.)
- Items ()
- Returns a table of ResultTextBox. (Returns a List of ResultTextBox object.)
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of of the provided base name.If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated. (Returns a boolean object.)
Index List
- [number]
- Returns the ResultTextBox at the given index in the collection. (Read ResultTextBox)
- [string]
- Returns the ResultTextBox with the given name in the collection. (Read ResultTextBox)
Property Details
Method Details
- AddCircle (posX number, posY number)
- Adds a circle to a graph.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ResultTextBox
- The circle on the graph.
- AddRectangle (posX number, posY number)
- Adds a rectangle to a graph.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ResultTextBox
- The rectangle on the graph.
- AddTextBox (text string)
- Adds a text box to a graph.
- Input Parameters
- text(string)
- The text to add to the graph.
- Return
- ResultTextBox
- The text box on the graph.
- AddTextBox (text string, posX number, posY number)
- Adds a text box to a graph.
- Input Parameters
- Return
- ResultTextBox
- The text box on the graph.
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label.
- Item (index number)
- Returns the ResultTextBox at the given index.
- Input Parameters
- index(number)
- The index of the ResultTextBox.
- Return
- ResultTextBox
- The ResultTextBox at the given index.
- Item (label string)
- Returns the ResultTextBox with the given label.
- Input Parameters
- label(string)
- The label of the ResultTextBox.
- Return
- ResultTextBox
- The ResultTextBox with the given label.
- Items ()
- Returns a table of ResultTextBox.
- Return
- List of ResultTextBox
- A table of ResultTextBox.
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of of the provided base name.If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated.