Working with Operators

To create calculated fields and formulas, you must understand the operators supported by Envision. This section discusses the basic operators.

+ (addition)

This means addition when applied to numbers and concatenation when applied to strings. When applied to dates, it can be used to add a number of days to a date.


7 + 3

'abc' + 'def' = 'abcdef'

#April 15, 2004# + 15 = #April 30, 2004#

– (subtraction)

This means subtraction when applied to numbers and negation if applied to an expression. When applied to dates, it can be used to subtract a given number of days from a date. Hence it can also be used to calculate the difference in days between two dates.



-(7+3) = -10

#April 16, 2004# - 15 = #April 1, 2004#

#April 15, 2004# - #April 8, 2004# = 7

* (multiplication)

This means numeric multiplication.


5 * 4 = 20.

/ (division)

This means numeric division.


20/4 = 5.