Sorting Dimensions

You can sort dimensional elements of string data type in ascending or descending order based on your requirement for analysis. By default, Envision sorts the dimensional elements in ascending order.

However you can change the default sorting order using methods such as Ascending, Descending, Ascending Ignore Case, Descending Ignore Case, and so on.

The following table describes the sorting methods.

Sort Order


Ascending Sorts the string type dimensional elements in ascending order.
Descending Sorts the string type dimensional elements in descending order.
Ascending Ignore Case Sorts the string type dimensional elements in ascending order in case of an upper case-lower case combination.
Descending Ignore Case Sorts the string type dimensional elements in descending order in case of an upper case-lower case combination.
Ascending Numeric Sorts alphanumeric and derived dimensional elements in ascending order.
Descending Numeric Sorts alphanumeric and derived dimensional elements in descending order.

Sorting the dimensional elements

1.   In the Dimensions pane, click the icon next to the dimension name to switch to the 'Edit' mode.

2.   Click the icon, select Sort, and then select the appropriate sorting method from the list.

The sort order that you have specified is displayed.